A catalyst for lower costs, a competitive marketplace & sound drug policy
A trusted non-partisan not-for-profit, Transparency-rx is a coalition of industry experts and stakeholders, led by licensed transparent pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs).
Transparency-Rx is a rising advocacy platform working to change drug pricing for the better.
As a counterweight to the status-quo, Transparency-Rx confronts stale and dated ideas, takes on corporate monopolies, and especially big PBMs and the insurance lobby.
For too long, these special interests have been the lone and loudest voice fighting against real policy changes on drug pricing and health care, protecting a broken system which hides profits and inflates prescription costs, harming the interests of diverse communities, working families, and seniors.
Just as transparency offers a better way to managing prescription drug benefits, Transparency-Rx represents a step forward to sound policy solutions, galvanizing true affordable prices.
Transparency-Rx’s primary mission focuses on:
Reducing costs for plans and sharing savings with patients
Opening and re-aligning markets for sustainable access to life-changing prescriptions and break-thru medications
Empowering technology to better inform and engage patients and plans, accelerating jobs, investment and competition
Serving as a conduit for industry best-practices, as a partner to plans, government and policymakers, and serving our stakeholders
Helping companies scale and innovate with integrity and results

Forging a clear path to true & affordable drug pricing & drug negotiation
Fueled by real transparency and intelligent solutions, our anchor partners helps doctors, patients and pharmacists consistently make smart affordable choices which reduce costs and expand treatment.
Our anchor partners include:
Transparency Bridges Gaps
Addressing drug-pricing disparities for rural, and hard-to-reach communities., traditional PBMs rely on pricing approaches which artificially inflate prices, while transparent PBMs drastically reduce out-of-pocket drug costs. Here’s a clear comparison for some important medicines:
Oral Beta Blockers: For high blood pressure and heart conditions:
$1.20 price under traditional PBMs $0.12 under transparency | A savings of 163%
Oral hypoglycemics: For type 2 diabetes:
$1.21 under traditional PBMs vs. $0.05 under transparency | A savings of 184%
Statins: For cholesterol:
$6.05 under traditional PBMs vs. $0.08 under transparency | A savings of 195%

Transparent PBMs make a difference
- Reducing out-of pocket costs for patients and accelerated access to affordable prescriptions through transparent, pass-through pricing & rebates
- Resolving conflicts of interests and adhering to clear ethical and licensing standards
- Offering clarity and integrity to plans, patients, physicians, and pharmacists thru low or no administrative cost programs
- Opening networks and little to no barriers to formularies and patients’ prescribed medications, regardless of community pharmacy or insurer
- Building a foundation of clinical insights and state of the art of technological solutions
- Forging a commitment to restore trust in health care markets by facilitating fairness in competition and true partnerships with drug makers, pharmacists and aligned carriers
Dedicated Service.
Unmatched Leadership.